Thursday, December 31, 2009

Watch out now.....

Being sick is no fun.
I am sick.

Today is the last day of the year.
I am joining 24 hour fitness.
I love movies.. long walks on the beach.. sunsets and sunrises.. JESUS.. dogs.
I am single.
I am still in pursuit for great things.
I love my mother.
I have a father.

You are, who you are.
You made it to another year. PRAISE GOD.
You share.
You care.

I have no children.
I don't think I'm in love.
I am still sick.

There are 3 people and a dog in my bed.
Watch out now....

:) iWish you a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Approaching the end

Well Well Well....   it the end of an old and beginning of a new...
it comes around the same time.. same date... same expectations...
New year, new you...
all the weight lost people make TONS of money... Please spend money they don't have on Christmas gifts that they then have to spend the whole year to pay back to do it all over again later on in the new year. What an awesome time...
but people forget what Christmas is all about....  it's called CHRISTmas... DON'T forget CHRIST!!!

I miss God... have you ever just missed God... to then realize he was around the whole time and u were not acknowledging his presence.  I say I would do anything God asked me... but I don't all the time.  I pray with this new year approaching I can truly give myself as a living sacrifice unto God.  It's really been the Omie show featuring God... and it need to be the God show with special guest Omie.  Like I only make an appearance so u know who I am.   :) I would find true peace and contentment.

Another thing approaching the end is another of my dad's relationships with his g/f.  Another hurt women... I just can't stand around and watch this madness anymore... I spoke with the current love interest that he's leaving his g/f for. I told her in a lot of words, RUN!  The g/f had to move out and go back to FL.  At least she not leaving empty handed, as she caused my dad to put himself in expense for her move.  Not her fault.  He lied, promising her marriage.  That's the only reason she moved from FL to TX.  She still loves him but hates him.  I told her she's better them me because I would have stopped being nice to him.  I guess when u love someone, even when it's over.... a part of you just can't be mean to them or treating them poorly...  that is not my problem... I would dare a dude to cross me wrong... I have tough skin because of my father.

I have crawled back in to my cave because of this madness.  I don't wanna be hurt... and as much as I've experienced love... I'm done at the moment... No man is gonna do that to me... I know not all men are like that but tell my heart that. The one man who is suppose to be an example and I be his girl, can't seem to understand that.. So GUARD YOUR HEART.
His g/f said that he should get himself together for me...  I was like for me!?!?!?   He doesn't have to do ANYTHING for me, because in the end... if it doesn't benefit him, then he wont do it... so please no favors especially from him.  It won't be genuine.

so upon approaching the end, whether good or bad,  there is always a new beginning... that can also be good or bad.... so put jesus up in it... he'll work it out!

ps. pray for me getting this job.  GOD BLESS

iEnd.. HE beginnings

Monday, November 16, 2009


I'm just pissed...

At you, at me, at God, at them, at her.  Don't even know her but she's pissing me off.
How about you move, so I can move, and God can do him.
How about you shut the hell up, acting like you so damn cool, with your ducks all lined up.
PLEASE... we all know you ain't got crap together and every night you wonder how u gonna make it the next day.  Pretending will bring you no peace.
How about you stop pretending that you care, about anything, even me.  I don't care about you... wait let me stop pretending cause then I'll be acting just like you.  And what happiness did that bring to your life...
How about you stop trying to be so perfect.  Stop STOP STOP!!!  All of you... pretenders... pretending, to act like everything is okay...  cause it's NOT!
How nice is it that you can just block me...  tell me we close... and leave me... F^%# U!!!!  I don't need you... I don't love you anymore... who the hell cares about you...

me.  i do.  that's why I'm straight angry.  that's why I can't be with a man.  that's why I'm so messed up.  that's why I don't understand. that's why I hate you because you broke me.

How about, I'm mad at me... because I began to feel like no one loves me... my broken pieces are everywhere for them to see. no one wants pieces.

I yell at me, to stop and listen, to be still and wait on the only one who can glue me back together.  I feel like I'm fading... my strength, gone.
Goals and dreams, vanishing.

you there, what will you say.  man... if u need an ear, i'm here for you. what will you say to me afterward... what has already been said, what I would say. "Have faith, trust in God, know he is able.  You have to be patient."  Don't you get tired of saying it to be nice.  I do... tell me the truth or tell me nothing.

How about this... I'm just angry and instead of letting it eat me up, I'm writing it down.  By tomorrow, I will have moved on, as God carries me through this rough time.  I still might feel like a failure but I'll succeed one day...  until then.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Childhood Memories

Growing up, I've always felt left behind.  I know it began when my father left me and it continued to spiral.  In my group of friends through out the years I was always the last one: last one to leave, last one to hear whatever news was going around, the last one to get the joke, last one to get those hot new shoes that by the time I got them were not hot anymore, and so on and so forth.  My mom told me stories of how I use to call at the kids from the window, telling them to come play, don't leave. Sad rite...

Well now I'm older, and I still feel some what the same.  Now I wonder if it's something that I am continuing as a pattern or if that just what it is.  I have friends... but I still feel left behind at times. With my relationships, I never gave the chance to be left.  If I know its not gonna work, I cut it off first.  I don't know if my feelings of being left out have anything to do with my personality (do people now wanna talk to me) or distance.  I'm just too far to make any connections.  I'm moving closer to where most of my friends live.  I guess well see about that.

Growing up...  hummm I don't remember much from my younger days.  Not much about tv shows, or family gathers, cool conversations with my mom, times my dad was around:  all of that a BLUR.  I do remember wrestling.  

Happy times sitting on my dad's back watching it.  I do remember my house in Hyattsville.. playing with an egg as my baby as oppose to the doll babies I had.  As my mother yells at me for wasting her tissues.  I made the babies bed out of the the oh so soft tissues in the shoe box.  I loved to care for the egg, talk to it, sing to it, and make sure it was happy.  But with an egg you can put it back in the fridge and go on about your business.

Today, I love children.  I am always hanging out with my nieces or nephews when I get the chance. Give respect and get it back.  Every weekend, my niece comes to visit and play with the puppies.  We read (a battle at first but now she'll bring her book), watch movies, go to the dog park, play, and go to church.  For the weekend I play mom, but sunday she goes home.  Just like the egg.  I definitely want my own egg that I don't have to put back in the fridge or send home.  I laugh when she come over because I forget that right around 8 am or 9 am she is going to be hungry.  I can go hours with out food but since I'm not trained yet in the art of a child's schedule it's so strange, but we make it work, as she tells me, I don't like the way you cook your eggs.  Another problem my kids wont have because they will know nothing else. :)

Growing up, I wanted people to keep me around.  You know that whole thing with my Dad leaving... developed abandonment issues.  I did whatever I need to do to fit in.  I didn't have real friends until I hit college.  That's when I found out if the people I called friend in high school and before, really cared about me, or what I could do and/or get.  Those individuals allowed me to be the goofy, geeky, not so cool girl that I was.  Like I said before, I was a late bloom and it showed and I didn't care around them.  Everyone else, it was all a show in an effort not to be left behind.

Nowadays, I know it still exist.  I get the urge to do something to please everyone so they'll like me, and wanna talk to me.  Include me in there life, while I don't so much include them in mine.  Sometimes I would bring people in to my world with even caring because they never really saw me, they saw my show.  The act.  I pull the act with people, wait correction, men that I meet for the first time.  Definitely guarded.  It has come somewhat down a few times, but recently it was gone... but that was short lived because being the real me all the time, I realize, is not for everyone.  Does that mean I'm fake around you, NO NO NO!  I don't know that.  I didn't do that before. The difference now, I wont do anything to please you.  If I feel like being nice, then that's just it. But I'm not giving hand outs.  To painful in the end.

Growing up, I was spoiled. Still am but not the way I use to be.  I got any thing I wanted, from my dad.  My mother... was a different story.  

Refreshing to share... childhood memories... to put out there.  Helping me understand what God sees in me. Why he choose me...
Until next time..


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

so amazing

God is so amazing.  So are people.  I'm grateful for those I call friend.  I've been learning that actions will always speak louder then words.  Little things that people do will always mean more then what they say.  

I finally found a church that I could attend and feel good about it.  Since I've been in Texas, I've been going from church to church and it feels great to be attending the same church enough that the pastor recognizes you been there more then once.  Above and Beyond Fellowship is a great church.  Pastor Will Lindsay!  Yes his name is Will Lindsay.. quite interesting when I told ANQ Will Lindsay!  Anywho, this past month he's been doing a series on the seven deadly sins.  It continues to bless my life.  This past sunday his sermon really hit home.  He talked about sloth and basically said: no purpose no point.  That is a motto has been a part of my lifestyle for a while.  Helps to keep me from doing foolishness.

But what happens when you fall in love.  Yes that's right.  I feel in love.  It was a great time and a blessing from God to understand such a thing.  Everything that the God talks about in the bible about love is so true.  I also began to understand how much work it is but I don't have to worry about that because I'm single.  :)  I'm happy when I finally get to connect with the person God has for me, I will be able to understand the true essence of love and know that true love comes only from GOD!

God has opened so many doors in my life and answered so many question.  I've always wanted to know what it meant to be in love.  I would pray and ask God what is the deal with being in love.  He allowed it in his own special way and I am more then grateful.

Okay enough of that.

I'm thinking about starting a web show.... lol!  Looks like fun.  We'll see...

so much more I would like to write... I'll figure out how to put it in words.  ACTion > Words!  And since I'm such a visual person, doing is easier.  later reader


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dropping a line

Thought I would stop by to drop a line... say God loves you, so do I, and continue to walk in his will for you life.  HOLLA!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So I'm here pt. 4 - Refreshing pt.1

I never blog as much as I should.  I have a valid excuse this time.  I am building my Mary Kay business!!!  I never thought that would ever want to be a beauty consultant, but I love making people feel good about themselves.  Mary Kay has provided that avenue as well as extra cash. I was the top selling consultant this week and I've only been working my business for 2 weeks.

On my way home from my meeting, I was on the phone talking a my girl Rece as she make me realize that I need to stop looking for another job.  I teach dance and sell Mary Kay.  If I work my business full time, I know for a fact that I can be successful.  So I'm very happy that God is placing me where He wants me.  I never imagined doing this full time, but I love what I do.
(if you have any questions, visit

I am setting up counseling this week for my dad and I.  He's working in dallas this week and makes this very hard to do.  I went to visit his sister (my auntie) over the weekend to see how she's been doing since the breast cancer surgery.  I walk in the door, and get the look.  I haven't seen my family since the incident and I don't know what they've heard and they wont ask either.  So I don't volunteer information, but when my cousin asked "So how are you doing?", I know what she is implying.   She wants me to go into details about what happened but it's not gonna help my situation nor help her life.  My family members are all about image.  So if they have to lie to keep that image looking good, they will.  I am not like that at ALL and I praise God for it!!!

This entire situation has allowed me to see where I am and it is not a bad place.  It's a place of transition, growth and molding.
I'm transitioning in my career, my lifestyle, and my dependencies. Making sure they all lead back to God and that I only depend on him.
Growth in my emotional self.  Since understanding why I could not access my emotions, they have opened up so much more.  The love I have and have shown, is growing.  The pain I feel so much more, but I know how to move on.
He's molding me and getting me ready for something HUGE!  I just need to be in the right place.  If you are reading this, know that he is doing the same with you, everyday.  Make sure you are paying attention and adhering to his voice.  He has such great plans for us and only wants us to be happy!  He would never create a will for our lives that does not fit who he has created us to be.

Thank you so much for reading along with this series.  The new series to follow will be Refreshing.   It will follow my journey through counseling with my dad.
anddd the random blogs will begin again.  It has been extremely important for me to get these things out.  Thank you again for the support and I pray what you've read touches you life in a positive and helpful way!

God Bless

part 4 iEnd....  part 1 refreshing iBegin

Monday, September 28, 2009

So I'm here pt. 3

The week of Sept. 14, I stopped at my dad's house to pick up some dress clothes.  Before I left, his girlfriend asked to speak with me.  The conversation we had blessed my life.  She told me that she wanted to speak with me ever since she moved. She filled in a lot of blank spots about their relationship and I had the chance to really let her in on the WHOLE story.  To say the least it was a GOOD shift.  My dad does not know about this meeting.

Later on that week (thur) I had a dream that would reveal to me the extent of my situation.
{dream begins}
I went to my dad's house to visit his girlfriend.
The house looked like a mix of all the houses I've lived in.
My dad was not home and I went to my old bedroom waiting for her to come up the stairs.
She came up the stairs and we began talking about her surgery.
Some how, we fall asleep on the bed.
I hear a rattling on the door and look to my right to see my father coming in the room.
He runs to Angela and hits her so hard!
I roll out of the bed and look at him, confused and anger
"what is wrong with you" I say as I pick up the phone to call the police
As his girlfriend turns to me and tells me to get something he says
"why don't you leave"
I put down the phone, pick up a lamp, and turn to him.
With all the PASSION in my heart I say, "I hate you"
As I chock back tears from anger, I say "you are a horrible father"
{dream ends}

When I wake up from this, I can barely breath. I was very upset.  I never thought I hated my father.  I let it marinate and I shared it with a his girlfriend, my mom and close friends.  The verdict of the dream: I indeed hate my father.  But because I've learned to suppress it.. it doesn't live on the surface of my actions and emotions.  I want to cry... but I can't... and I don't want to.  Why??? I feel ashamed that I've let it get this bad.  But God is bringing it to my attention to begin the healing process.  Well when I finally realized what the dream meant and what God is trying to do I realize that I have scheduled a dinner with my father for Sept. 25.  I pray.. God says go. So I go.

Dinner was good.  my father apologized about the whole incident, his behavior, and said that he love me so much.  I'm his best friend.

In my brain, I'm finding it hard to believe that I am his best friend.  It saddens me that my father does not put this much effort into his relationships with all his children.  I speak, telling him that the whole incident had to happen.  The closet of compressed rage and anger, needed to be cleaned out.  I told him I'm going back to the beginning... and allowing God to clean me out. I start to cry as I tell him, I want to have a relationship with you, I want to say I love you and mean it. "don't cry, don't cry.  look why don't you come home and we can sort this all out"
{WHOAAA stop the bus, i yell in my head}
 " NO! I'm not coming home."
 "you can bring your dogs"
 "No. I'm good where I am.  We will work this out from where I am"
This kills him internally.  In the past our feuds have been mended by his ability to either help me financially or in some manner that made him feel powerful over the situation.  Not this time.  God is making me stronger and I don't need his money or his usually services.  He even offered to move me in to my own place. I didn't take the bait. Usually I would but not this time, nor anytime in the near future.

He said lets go to counseling.  Best thing I heard him say all night.  Then he says he has a minister friend.  Another red flag.  I decide I'll find he counselor. Someone we both do not know.  I go into the weekend feeling good that I made it through that.
Knowing that God is really putting me on a pathway of his will for my life.  And all I can say is thank you.  So I'm here...  where God wants me.

Thanks to those who have been praying for me.

part 3 iEnd

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So I'm here pt. 2

9/4/09 -Sitting in a new environment. I am lost completely. Thoughts of my life ending plague my brain. Friday night, I show up at my aunts house, as she tells me my brother drove off with her car. I realize at that moment, something is buggin him. We are dealing with the same demon, different way. At lease he doesn't have to feel abandon, left behind. But I can relate to the feeling of no father. because as close as that man lives, he might as well be thousands of miles away. I slowly move my stuff into the house. There is not enough room for me to move everything... suddenly I feel homeless. where is HOME!?!?!? and when will I get there. (looking up at God)

As I listen to my brother get lashes for taking the car, with his non licensed self, I hook my tv up and watch a movie praying to God from some kind of peace. That night I grabbed my arm and realized that it hurt really bad. When I look at my arm... WOW the bruise is HUGE!

swollen arm

these pictures were taken of my arm that friday. My neck was bruised because when he grabbed me, my earring dug into my ear and neck and I was kinda hanging from his hand. In the midst of the altercation I can remember telling him to stop talking so I could take my earring out cause my ear hurt so bad.

Sat. Rosie came to visit which was nice. Sunday, I can't remember all that went down, possibly church and then iHop. Not sure but I missed a phone call from the male sperm donor.
"You so mad at your father you can't call to check and see how HE'S doing?"

I listen and the rage begins to build. I fuss and then let it go because he doesn't get it. All these years and he still doesn't get it. Here comes the week. What a way to spend labor day weekend! 9/4/09- 9/6/09 By that monday... my arm looked like this
a little more darker.. very painful

Sometime during the week, I visit the house because I need a few things. I hesitated to go because I don't want to see him. At this point I want nothing to do with him, I have nothing to say to him. or at least I don't think I do. (anger continues to brew and I'm not recognizing it. over the years i've become numb to it, totally ignoring but not letting it go). I refuse to go to the house if he is there alone. I don't feel safe at all. I can keep telling myself, he wont do anything, just go, get what you need and roll out... however, when I was 12, I watched my own brother cut himself with a knife and promise that because he drew his own blood, that he would never hurt me again. that promise last less then 24hours. From then on, I built my own philosophy. If you can do it once, no matter what you say, there is always a possibility that you can do it again. once is enough. and I know my dad is no good with promises. broke every last one while I was growing up. (i don't make them, unless I know there is no way i can break them unless I die). I got enough pain to deal with physically, mentally and spiritually.

I go.. upon walking in the door, I scare Angela (my dad's girlfriend/companion). I felt bad. I wanted to call but I wasn't sure if I was going. He calls me over to give me a hug and tell me that he loves me and misses me. After he lays all of that one, he asked if i was moving back in. NO. not at all! I mad sure he know I was just there to pick up a few things. I left. Felt a little better about my new living situation because I had a few more of my things. Life continued.
Work, doggies, now Mary Kay (Wed. 9/9/09 I joined MK! ), ANQ.

My arm by the next weekend.

The pain had finally subsided. My head/neck area was hurting a lot. I thought I would have to go to the hospital cause my neck became very stiff and the pain was becoming ridiculous . that would have been more drama for yo momma. I just hung in with it.

That weekend, I took the dogs to the dog park, helped my brothers niece, (his mother's daughter's child. He has two older sisters and two older brothers), like my dogs. Now she loves them and every time she come over, she wants to play with them. Sat. night everyone is asleep, or so we thought. My aunt wakes me up at 5am to tell me that my brother stole her car again, this time with 4 friends in and crashed it in a ditch. sighhhh the pain is spreading.
he's fine, we deal with it. My brother does not like dad. neither do I, or so I thought. it's much deeper. what another crazy weekend. sigh.

part 2 iEnd

So I'm here pt. 1

It's taken me a while to actually be able to do this. I've been wanting to blog for a while now... Every since the madness began. That was a friday I will never forget.

You don't ever imagine that you own father would physically harm you, but it happened and it opened a whole new can of maggot filled worms. The reason it happened was not even huge. He technically wasn't even mad at me.. until I realized what he was about to do to my brother was not right. Was I wrong for jumping in like. NO! I would never thought that I would end up getting busted up and chocked in the process by the man that claims he love me and I'm his princess. But it happened. Everyone shocked, my mother confused. But it happened. I move out that day because I don't feel safe or comfortable being there. As a christian we should never feel comfortable but that was I'm a scared for my life uncomfortable. "you really think your dad would harm you" ummm yes, unfortunately. He apologizes and I don't know how to take it because I've had it. 27 years of lies, abandonment, and a feeling of him never caring once it had nothing to do with him. He's not my dad, he's the bank. It hurts so much. I end up living with my brother and his mom. I feel lost. House hopping.

part 1 iEnd

Monday, September 7, 2009

3 yr expiration date

(my longer blog. org. started 8/30/09)
Y do I always blog when I'm driving??? Guess I do my best thinking and reflecting when I'm driving. So I was driving to pick up my brother from a party he was DJing at. I kinda forgot him there. Definitely didn't mean too but I was so wrapped up in Avatar and making some gifts. Anywho, I've been meaning to blog for a while, but I always get the urge when I'm driving.

2 weeks ago, my uncle came in from Atl to visit his sister, my auntie. She had beast cancer surgery to remove the lump and it ride her of all cancer cells. (AMEN JESUS).

So Wed after I got of work, I called my dad to ask him where he was. I was hungry and didn't want to buy fast food so I went over to Auntie Momo's and ate. While there, Uncle Mike(Auntie Momo's husand), Auntie Chris, Uncle Jerry, Uncle Alfy and my Dad were all enjoying a drink for Uncle Mike's bday. So I was talking to Auntie Chris and somehow we got into the conversation about having kids because of her 2 daughter in college. ( one just started her freshman year and the other is sophomore).
So here goes my uncle: "Olney gurl, is when u having you chirin(children)?"
Me: "when I get married. I still have my dancing career that I want to take care of."
Uncle: "How old r u?"
Me: "27"
Uncle: "You betta hurry up. You only get tree(three) yrs left for have chirin"
Me: (laugh and then say) "na I'm good. I'll be aight"
He is not the first to ask me about kids but now he has given me an expiration date. Really?!?!? 3yrs ya'll 3yrs... that's it. After that, my uterus will forever be closed for business. Everything must go!!! No returns!! A HOT MESS.......Whenever God blesses me, I will be good and ready!

So after that happened, my Dad mentioned that Daddy Rachy (another uncle) was coming in to see Aunite Milli(the one that had breast cancer). So I volunteered to pick him up. BAD IDEA!
His flight came in at 11:55 but he didn't get to my car until 12:30. Now I asked him if Auntie Milli knew he was coming. No not at all. We show up at the door and my uncle knocks, and bangs and rings the door bell until someone woke up. I didn't get out of the car at first because I thought he was going to stay there. But then I went in side. This was around 1am... we stayed there until about 3:20am as they fried fish and drank liquor while sitting around talking about family members. This was hilarious to me. I've never been around my family while they did this. Well I falling asleep as Daddy Rachy yells at me:

DR: Niecey, you sleepy?
Me: yes
DR: Well, wake up! You talkin shtupedness bout you rant sleepy. You en gafa be at wuk until tree tutty(3:30). Rest ya self de gal.
Me: (i laugh) But I am sleepy Daddy Rachy

He keeps talking and caring on. Next thing you know, he's ready to see his other sister. So we jump in the car so he can see his other sister. we stay there about an hour. By this time I'm just like this is crazy. This is when I realize that my uncle only came to TX for several hours because when I got back to my dad's house between 5:30 -6am, my father comes walking down the stairs. "ya'll been out whole night" I just looked at my dad with the sleepy face. My dad took my Daddy Rachy to the airport for a 7am flight.

That night was long and special. Also showed me that my uncle (DR) got it like that. Well until next time.

iSleep, iThink

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

in the mean time...

I have a longer blog to post saved on my mac but I'm sitting at the port
of air waiting on my dad.

I just finished reading my soror's blog about her day to day dealing
with the death of her husband. Only after 2 months of marriage, God
called him home. It's amazing the impact that 1 person can have on the
human life. I never knew him but his spirit was always shining through
my soror and I cried when he passed. It hurt because they just began a
beautiful ministry together. But that ministry is still in progress as
she shares their relationship to the world. The love they had for each
other resembled the love of Christ. Selfless. Beautiful. I wished I
would had a chance to meet him.

I've been and still am in love. I pray my love for my husband
transcends through time just as My soror has. It's so beautiful.

Well pumping gas. About to be home w/my dad. We just had a debate
about me and cooking. Okay! It's not that I don't want to cook, but I
don't just like to cook rice & chicken, rice & fish, rice & whatever,
everyday!!!!! so not me. If I'm gonna cook, I want it to be fun and
enjoy what I'm making. When I get married, I know I'll get better. I'll
want to do it. But I don't do left overs past 2 days. Big no no! And
nothing is wrong with eating out. Just be healthy about your food

About to get my grub on at Little Jamaica. Yum yum! Until next time.

iEat iLive

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Red light.... green light

Well... another day has ended. I'm sleepy but I gotta pick my uncle up
from the airport. As I sit out here with my doggies... Ivory and Lamar,
I get to think. Something that can be so painful to do at times. I try
not to think of my future as far as marriage and kids: it can be a bit
of a downer. I just left my aunts house and her husband said, "you
better hurry up, u got 3 yrs left." Really?!?!?!? Only three yrs?
Then all my vital organs just gonna shut down?

I want kids. I do. Gotta wait. Sigh. Red light.

Lamar is 2yr now. He got his name from a good friend of mine. I was
like, I like your middle name. Can I use it. Him: sure! hence Lamar.

Ivory looked like the color so bam! That was easy. When I first got her
they called her lila or lily or some girl pinkish name. Made me vomit.
Red light.

{I don't know me really. I perpetrate in my own body. Live and u learn
I know Jesus though... don't know him? Ask me how, I'll tell u. Green

I'm 19 trapped in 27... late bloomer. Not mad about it... I still look
Okay... I'm out. Until tomorrow


Make changes

I'm trying so hard to leave early to get where I need to go. But I have
my mothers genes. I always find something to do or something I forgot
to do at the last min. Sigh. Gotta "cut my eyes" as my mother would

But driving long distances gives time for thought and observations such
as the lady with the fan hanging from the visor on the passenger
side.*blank stare*

Anyway.. The drive was good. I got to work 20min early. PROUD! Okay

iDance iTeach


So I've decided to take my friend's advice and blog whenever it hit me to write. I use to love writing... or at least I thought I did. I pray this last longer then xanga. I had to let go of that because I can't blog on the go with xanga.

Today I've been productive. I'm about to leave the house and run some errands before I get to work. I have to remember the dances I taught my kids. (looks around for an answer). I'll remember by 5pm.

EZ tag needed to get to work but I can't get it until my dad gets back. That will not be until later on today. So gotta find some cash....

Speaking of cash.. I applied for this job at Aldos. Hopefully the discount is nice so when I save up some change I can get shoes and a new purse. But I gotta save a much as possible. The move to NY will not happen on it's own. NEW YORK!!!

Maybe my blogs will be more interesting when I move, cause right now... BORING! Be blessed read the bible...

Stop writing it in your head, and put it down on the pad ~s.lamour