Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Approaching the end

Well Well Well....   it the end of an old and beginning of a new...
it comes around the same time.. same date... same expectations...
New year, new you...
all the weight lost people make TONS of money... Please spend money they don't have on Christmas gifts that they then have to spend the whole year to pay back to do it all over again later on in the new year. What an awesome time...
but people forget what Christmas is all about....  it's called CHRISTmas... DON'T forget CHRIST!!!

I miss God... have you ever just missed God... to then realize he was around the whole time and u were not acknowledging his presence.  I say I would do anything God asked me... but I don't all the time.  I pray with this new year approaching I can truly give myself as a living sacrifice unto God.  It's really been the Omie show featuring God... and it need to be the God show with special guest Omie.  Like I only make an appearance so u know who I am.   :) I would find true peace and contentment.

Another thing approaching the end is another of my dad's relationships with his g/f.  Another hurt women... I just can't stand around and watch this madness anymore... I spoke with the current love interest that he's leaving his g/f for. I told her in a lot of words, RUN!  The g/f had to move out and go back to FL.  At least she not leaving empty handed, as she caused my dad to put himself in expense for her move.  Not her fault.  He lied, promising her marriage.  That's the only reason she moved from FL to TX.  She still loves him but hates him.  I told her she's better them me because I would have stopped being nice to him.  I guess when u love someone, even when it's over.... a part of you just can't be mean to them or treating them poorly...  that is not my problem... I would dare a dude to cross me wrong... I have tough skin because of my father.

I have crawled back in to my cave because of this madness.  I don't wanna be hurt... and as much as I've experienced love... I'm done at the moment... No man is gonna do that to me... I know not all men are like that but tell my heart that. The one man who is suppose to be an example and I be his girl, can't seem to understand that.. So GUARD YOUR HEART.
His g/f said that he should get himself together for me...  I was like for me!?!?!?   He doesn't have to do ANYTHING for me, because in the end... if it doesn't benefit him, then he wont do it... so please no favors especially from him.  It won't be genuine.

so upon approaching the end, whether good or bad,  there is always a new beginning... that can also be good or bad.... so put jesus up in it... he'll work it out!

ps. pray for me getting this job.  GOD BLESS

iEnd.. HE beginnings

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