Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My 21 day fast -DAY 2: HUNGRY JESUS!!!

SOOO I missed bloggin Yesterday!  It was a tough day... I was tried and HUNGRY!!!

Just hungry (for food) all the time.  I wanna be hungry for Jesus and nothing else... I must die to my flesh because it's only gonna slow me down.

Woke up at 6:30am, took my dad to the airport by 8am, had a really nasty apple, went to his house, did some work, went to my residence, had a baked potato w/ green peas and a little bit of gravy with some V8.  Wanted so BADLY to take a nap because I know that I would be sleepy driving but my brother called and needed my help.  Drove to downtown Houston to pick him up from the greyhound, dropped him off at Uof H.  SLeep driving is NOT the way to go! Went straight to work from there, taught 3 hours straight and choreographed for 30mins.  Drove to home, stopped at smoothie king to get dinner, went home, feel asleep in the chair watching tv, took a shower, feel asleep setting my alarm clock, WENT TO BED!!!

Long day!!!  Praise God I made it with out passing out... I snacked on Peanuts (thanks Rece)!!  Saved me!

Well I'm pressing forward...

iLove the Lord!

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