You don't ever imagine that you own father would physically harm you, but it happened and it opened a whole new can of maggot filled worms. The reason it happened was not even huge. He technically wasn't even mad at me.. until I realized what he was about to do to my brother was not right. Was I wrong for jumping in like. NO! I would never thought that I would end up getting busted up and chocked in the process by the man that claims he love me and I'm his princess. But it happened. Everyone shocked, my mother confused. But it happened. I move out that day because I don't feel safe or comfortable being there. As a christian we should never feel comfortable but that was I'm a scared for my life uncomfortable. "you really think your dad would harm you" ummm yes, unfortunately. He apologizes and I don't know how to take it because I've had it. 27 years of lies, abandonment, and a feeling of him never caring once it had nothing to do with him. He's not my dad, he's the bank. It hurts so much. I end up living with my brother and his mom. I feel lost. House hopping.
part 1 iEnd
I know this isn't easy, but I pray this helps in your healing process. I'm here for you... as you know ;)