Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So I've decided to take my friend's advice and blog whenever it hit me to write. I use to love writing... or at least I thought I did. I pray this last longer then xanga. I had to let go of that because I can't blog on the go with xanga.

Today I've been productive. I'm about to leave the house and run some errands before I get to work. I have to remember the dances I taught my kids. (looks around for an answer). I'll remember by 5pm.

EZ tag needed to get to work but I can't get it until my dad gets back. That will not be until later on today. So gotta find some cash....

Speaking of cash.. I applied for this job at Aldos. Hopefully the discount is nice so when I save up some change I can get shoes and a new purse. But I gotta save a much as possible. The move to NY will not happen on it's own. NEW YORK!!!

Maybe my blogs will be more interesting when I move, cause right now... BORING! Be blessed read the bible...

Stop writing it in your head, and put it down on the pad ~s.lamour


  1. Man! Great Quote at the end there. (lookin around for my pen and paper!)

  2. that's definitely something that stefane would say!
