Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I am struggling...

I work a great job... I get paid great.. however, my hours are not enough and I wish I could pick up more. So then dilemma becomes making sure I can take care of myself.  Not really happening...

I live with my Auntie (praise God for her hospitality)
I'm always wondering how am I gonna put gas in my car to get to work.
Will I have enough money for food? (eating healthier is so expensive)
I have to pay for school outta pocket.... sigh... I'm still in school... WHY?!?!?!
I have student loans already wanting me to pay them back and straight up debit I put myself in...

So I cry out to the Lord about my struggles and every time I do, I hear him say, why are you worried.
I'm never hunger, I always get gas, I some how pay the bills I need too....

Being in this position is hard but not impossible to get through.  I've made it this far.
I can go further... I might be struggling but I'm still walking in faith because I know God has a reason for EVERYTHING!!!!

iHave Faith

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So 10 yrs ago I graduated from High School... WOW!!!!  Now here I am... 10 yrs later... Much wiser about life. If you asked me 10 yrs ago where I would be, I would have said: Married, with kids living in MD, Teaching dance, and working my 9-5 computer job.  I didn't know myself then and I'm still learning myself now.

I'm an not married nor anywhere near it which means.. no children.
I am teaching dance but I have Degrees in Dance...  not computers
9-5's are so not cool...
and I'm in TEXAS!

I guess it will be interesting to see the all my friends from High School.  I didn't have enemies thank God, just people I didn't really talk to.

So this yr. I am writing out my goals on a check list.  Gotta get it done.  2009 honestly feels like a blur.... What sticks out the most about that year are a few things : Thesis, Moving out of Huntsville, Labor day weekend,  and becoming a Mary Kay consultant... how dull... :P

Well this yr will def be bigger especially with my move to NY!!!!  OHHH I can't wait.
I pray that this year belongs to God... completely. I need to give God the stool and stop trying to have a seat!  That is my number one goal this year. Once that's in lock.. everything else should fall into place...

iGiveitup to God...